Jan. and Feb. 2017 ALA New Member Round Table Updates
Don’t miss the global library event of the year, back in ALA’s home city of Chicago! This is the week to start thinking about the 2017 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition in Chicago, June 22-27. Registration and housing open on February 2 at noon (Central) and best rates are available for ALA members and before March 22. Get more information and register at alaannual.org.
What do your colleagues say about how the Annual Conference reinvigorates events, restaurants, and its lake and parks.and helps make them more effective in their work? Find out, and get help in making your case to attend at http://2017.alaannual.org/steps-making-case.
At the 2017 ALA Annual Conference you'll have access to:
--Learning and connection with your colleagues at more than 2,500 scheduled programs and events.
--Future-focused content and resources.
--900+ organizations and companies whose experts will introduce you to the latest technologies, services, products, and titles at the most extensive library exhibits in the world.
--Inspiring speakers such as Reshma Saujani (Founder and CEO of Girls Who Code), authors Sandra Uwiringyimana, Colson Whitehead, Matthew Desmond, and Kameron Hurley, poet Nikki Giovanni, environmentalist and author Bill McKibben, Bill Nye and co-author Gregory Mone, a panel with Chip Donohue, Sarah R. Lytle, and Lisa Regalla, and many more TBA.
--A great time of year to enjoy Chicago and its rich cultural resources,
Register and book housing after noon (CST) February 2 at http://2017.alaannual.org/. For the best earlybird rates, register before noon (CST) March 22, 2017.
Look back on the 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting and Exhibits—learn what the speakers and participants at the new Symposium on the Future of Libraries had to say, who won the book and media awards, exhibitor news, and other highlights of the meeting. American Libraries coverage is at https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/tag/alamw17/ and Cognotes (the show daily) coverage is at http://2017.alamidwinter.org/news.
From www.ala.org
Apply Now for the 2017 MANGO/NMRT Professional Development Grant
Deadline: Tuesday, March 7, 2016 at 5 pm (EST)
We are excited to announce that members of ALA’s New Members Round Table (NMRT) can apply to receive a $1000 grant, which will assist with expenses to attend the ALA Annual Conference, June 22 – June 27, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois. This award is generously sponsored by MANGO Languages.
You must be a current member of NMRT in order to apply. To join NMRT, visit the ALA website and follow the “Join ALA” link to add NMRT to your ALA membership, it is well worth the low cost! Successful applicants will show their attendance at ALA will impact their home institution, NMRT or another ALA organization, and their personal professional development.
Click Here to go to the application.
Questions? Please contact Katy Holder, Chair of the NMRT Professional Development Grant Committee, at holderk4@winthrop.edu.
ALA Video Roundtable Mentoring opportunity
One of the services the ALA Video Round Table provides its members is a
mentorship program. This program connects experienced media professionals with those who are new to the field, or who would benefit from advice and guidance beyond their local institutions.
All participants will have the opportunity to meet new people, share personal
and professional insights, discuss networking and communication skills, and
gain fresh perspectives on the work they do. With various online and conference options, there will be plenty of opportunities for rich, rewarding conversations.
Please consider applying to be a mentor or mentee by filling out the form on the VRT
Mentorship Program webpage: http://www.ala.org/vrt/mentorship-program (See also VRT’s New Member information page:
If you are interested in the program, please fill out the application by March
15, 2017.
Call for Proposals: Radical Libraries, Archives, and Museums Allied Media Conference 2017
Conference Dates: June 15-18, 2017
Location: Detroit, MI
Submission Deadline: March 12, 2017
Libraries, archives, and museums (LAM) are more than places for collecting and storing books and exhibiting artifacts. LAMs can be living, transformative spaces where artists, educators, technologists, and activists convene to access, document, share, organize, and find solutions to issues that impact their communities. We welcome proposals for sessions that will be accessible to participants of all ages and backgrounds, and interpret the work of galleries, libraries, archives, and museums through the lens of media-based organizing. In previous years, we have covered subjects such as restorative justice practices in teen librarianship, starting seed libraries, zine libraries, tool libraries, and community archives that center the narratives of people of color.
We are especially interested in sessions that:
· Challenge traditional gallery, library, archive, and museum
structures, institutions, and organizations
· Discuss best practices for community-based organizations that
provide books, technology or internet access, creative materials, or collaborative opportunities centering people of color, queer and gender nonconforming folks, disabled people, incarcerated people, and undocumented people
· Consider the role of librarians, archivists, and curators in strengthening the knowledge, culture, and collective memory of communities impacted by social and economic disparity and state sanctioned violence
· Address racism, white supremacy, and issues of inclusion in galleries, libraries, archives, or museums
Contact (vmilliner@gmail.com) or one of the other track coordinators on the Allied Media website if you have any questions.
Endnotes Call for Student Proposals.
Greeting from the Endnotes Committee. We are looking for contributors to our Spring 2017 publication of Endnotes. For those LIS students who are new to NMRT, Endnotes is a scholarly peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles of interest to early career librarians. Endnotes is a great platform to provide an opportunity for LIS students and early career librarians to gain experience writing for publication. Endnotes publishes a wide array of topics from library instruction & assessment, training, mentoring, job searching and much more. Articles should range between 2,000-4,000 words, present original research, practitioner-based research, and case studies relevant to LIS students and new library professionals. Submissions will be accepted throughout the year, but articles received by February 15, 2107, will receive guaranteed consideration for the Spring 2017 issue. For more information about Endnotes and information about submission guidelines, please visit http://tinyurl.com/endnotes-2017-studentcfp. Any questions, please contact the Endnotes Editors at nmrtendnotesjournal@gmail.com
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